"Being once perfected how to grant suits, how to deny them; who t' advance, and who to trash for over-topping: new created the creatures that were mine, I say, or changed' em, or else new formed' em; having both the key of officer, and office, set all hearts i'th' state to what pleased his ear"
"So dry he was for sway- wi'th' King of Naples to give him annual tribute, do him homage, subject his coronet to his crown, and bend the dukedom yet unbowed- alas, poor Milan- to most ignoble stooping"
"A treacherous army levied, one midnight fated to th' purpose did Antonio open the gates of Milan, and i' th' dead of darkness the ministers for th' purpose hurried thence me, and thy crying self"
"By providence divine, some food we had, and some fresh water, that a noble Neapolitan, Gonzalo, out of his charity- who being then appointed master of this design- did gave us, with rich garments, linens, stuffs, and necessaries which since have steaded much. So, og his gentleness, knowing I loved my books, he furnished me from mine own library, with volumes that I prize above my dukedom"
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